The 2010 ING Bay to Breakers was one of the most spectacular exhibitions of debaucherous delinquency I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing in all of my 33 years as a resident of San Francisco! The costumes were wild and provocative, there was a peaceful vibe emanating from the crowd, and everyone was there for the same reason... it certainly was not for the sponsored spectacle of B2B. Obviously, everyone was there to get trashed, fu-bared,dusted, and plastered all at the same time while enjoying the company of complete strangers in weird and sexually suggestive costumes! And, I have to say... I have certainly indulged in my fair share of social deviance during my short but memorable time on earth...but none of the deviant behavior I have demonstrated will ever compare to what I saw this past Sunday, save Carnival or the first S.F. Love Fest!
Furthermore, I have never been an active and willing participant of such deplorable, despicable, and deliberate self-destruction... while remaining completely aware of the inevitable negative repercussions and long-term effects of such behavior. I knew exactly what road I was headed down once I took that first swig of Jameson @8am. I knew exactly what would happen when I decided to brave the "No Pee Zone" alleyway off of Octavia to relieve myself. Maybe the 6 residents keenly eying their property, the water hoses they were waving in the direction of would be pee-ers, and the big ass sign that said "NO PEE ZONE (PISS AT YOUR OWN RISK)" gave it away! Nonetheless, I had one of the most memorable, positive, exhilarating, and stimulating times of my Entire life. Ignorance IS certainly more than just bliss!
P.S: Any consumption of alcoholic refreshments before 11 am is a huge mistake! Keep it simple stupid! Be smart and think rationally! Don't drink before 3pm.
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