June 30th
Day 30: Tee Off Bar and Grill
3129 Clement St. (Official Sponsor)
Theme Night:
SF GIANTS (Come and wear your Black and Orange!!!)

THE LAST DAY! Come out and join us for a bite to eat and a drink. This might be the last and final day of Debauchery... Don't miss it!

-Rally Oh of All City Project

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2010 PRE30DOD: Don’t be scared… It’s only 30 Days of Debauchery!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Old and Young... We have 12 days until we start the debauchery! Please keep in mind; you DO NOT have to engage in the full 30 days. The All-Stars of All-City are the ones who will be pushing themselves to limit. (Unless you think you’re up to the challenge, then by all means, join us!) We DO want you to come out and have a drink with us on any of the 30 days and show your support. (We’ll even blog about you!) This is much more than just the debauchery itself. We are using this vessel (30DoD) to meet new folks, reconnect with old friends, and basically party and have a good time with this.

Once the first of June drops, we will post the bar’s location for that day and the following day. 2 days in advance. SO KEEP CHECKING THE BLOG FOR DAILY UPDATES. The All City Project may bring the Debauchery in your area….

NOTE: 30 days of Debauchery pre-party kick off is on May 31. Location: TBA

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL.. how exciting!! if i wasn't preggo i totally would hit a few bars w/ you guys!! boooo......... GOOD LUCK, 12 days left, piece of cake!! I LOVE IT, much much props to you all!!!