June 30th
Day 30: Tee Off Bar and Grill
3129 Clement St. (Official Sponsor)
Theme Night:
SF GIANTS (Come and wear your Black and Orange!!!)

THE LAST DAY! Come out and join us for a bite to eat and a drink. This might be the last and final day of Debauchery... Don't miss it!

-Rally Oh of All City Project

Thursday, May 27, 2010

2010 PRE30DOD: ****Memorial Day Weekend Update****

Saturday, May 29, 2010 you can catch the All City Crew at Mr. Bing's. Located at 201 Columbus st. (cross st. is Pacific). See you there around 11pm.

Sunday, May 30, 2010 we'll be at Joxer Dalys. Located at 46 West Portal Ave (between Ulloa and Vicente). We'll get an early start. See you there about 8pm.

Monday, Memorial Day. Catch-up with the team at Dogpatch Saloon. 2496 3rd st. (cross st. is 22nd st.) See you there around 8pm. Join us as we count down to the main event. 30 Days of Debauchery. Dogpatch closes at midnight, at witch point we'll be switching spots for the kick-off.

Have your permission slips signed, bring cab fair and a lunch...HERE WE GO!


Sucka Freezie said...

Oh no, here we go again! Whatitdolike folks?! Final preparations are being made for the All City Project; fund raising, finalization of the "List," liver and Kegel exercises are a go!

Follow us on the Blogspot to see the latest news, find out where we'll be, and places we've been. And of course you are all welcome to join us on all or any leg of the marathon.

This has the ingredients for an interesting Summer. Let the games begin!

Pauline said...

Request: is it possible to reschedule Dogpatch Saloon to Tuesday? I work in the dogpatch so any bars that would work better for me if they were on a workday. Not that this has anything to do with me ;)