June 30th
Day 30: Tee Off Bar and Grill
3129 Clement St. (Official Sponsor)
Theme Night:
SF GIANTS (Come and wear your Black and Orange!!!)

THE LAST DAY! Come out and join us for a bite to eat and a drink. This might be the last and final day of Debauchery... Don't miss it!

-Rally Oh of All City Project

Monday, May 24, 2010

2010 PRE30DOD: Pre -Opening Day for Barack

Over the past several weeks we've been having a great time warming-up. There has been several stamina building events leading up to the thirty days of June. There was Bay to Breakers, Rob's birthday crawl, The Stal B. Sure Show, etc...... Now we're in the final stretch.

Due to a shoulder injury (not 30 day related) I will have to have surgery, and will not be able to attend the last few days of June. However, I will be starting early to insure I get in a full thirty days. Those of you who want to get an early start and make sure all systems are a go come out and join me. I will be starting this Thursday May twenty seventh, in the year of our Lord 2010. Locations TBA.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Barack... You are in the driver seat on 5/27, 5/28, 5/29, 5/30. Work on the days on where you want to go. I am working on the full list now. Hope you got my message. All City Meeting tonight 5/24. Hit me.

Rally Oh